It is said on the tongues of believers with spiritual energies that the energy of the soul is further, 

greater and more dangerous than the energy of the body, but the opponents say sarcastically: Technology, 

invading space, sending boats to march to Mars and Venus ... 

Do we go back to engage in spiritual matters ?! 

Is this not a return to the past and a setback from the future and development?

The spiritualists respond firmly: No ... 

this is neither regression nor reactionary, because spiritual energies are the path of science in its coming steadfastness,

and it is the means of human progress after the era of nuclear fission and the exit of man into space. 

Scientists have begun to move towards spiritual energy in order to better understand human potential 

And their hidden abilities, and there may come a day when the capabilities of the soul will overcome the capabilities of the body ...

But what is my income in a debate like this between two opponents?

Well well, all that matters to me is to see the ideas of both parties and leave the judgment to the public, 

the important thing is to know the two worlds, and we have entrusted the world of matter and technology and 

we understood its theory by heart. Now it is the turn of the isthmus world to break into its doors and reveal 

its secrets and leave him opportunities to express himself more and prove his capabilities and capabilities .

Pictures of spiritual activity

The interest of thinkers, philosophers and some scholars in spiritual research dates back to ancient times, 

but in our modern era, the incident of the sisters Margaret and Catherine 

Fox in 1848 was considered as the spark that ignited the curiosity and attraction of some scientists to the field of spirit. 

By the second half of the nineteenth century, many associations had appeared in America and Europe. 

Concerned with spiritual research.

The story of the Fox sisters took place on a quiet night when the two girls became aware 

of the sounds of unknown source on the furniture and doors of their country house in the village of Hyde Seville in a suburb of New York, 

in the United States of America .. 

and the sounding continued until one of the two children decided, out of humor, humor and amusement, 

to imitate the mysterious sound, so she in turn knocked On the furniture, 

and to the extent of her surprise, the response came to its beats with similar beats of the mysterious sound, 

and thus the two sisters found a way to communicate with that mysterious voice by knocking .. 

and soon the matter spread and spread in the village, and the neighbors came, 

and the soldiers gathered, and the pastor of the church came .. 

Making sure of the validity of this phenomenon was possible understanding with the source of the knocking, 

which soon turned out to be the angry spirit of a man who was a street vendor of scrap, 

and that the former resident of this house killed him out of greed for his money and buried him in the house.

The security men searched, investigated, gathered evidence and examined the house, 

and the matter ended with declaring everything that the soul had said ... 

as a corpse was found, actually buried in the basement of the house ... 

and after it was reburied in the village cemetery, the spirit declared its relief and thanks to the two girls, 

Margaret and Catherine.

To this day, supporters of spiritual phenomena celebrate the memory of this incident as 

it is the first spiritual event on the basis of which modern spiritual studies were established. 

Spiritual institutes in America celebrated the centenary of this accident in 1948, 

where they distributed booklets that record spiritual activities and laboratory studies in various parts of the world .. 

Not this Not only, but the spiritual sessions were also held openly and in regular lighting, 

as was the case in Kingsway Hall in June 1946 under the direction of Lord Dong Marshall, 

the aviation who won Britain's air battle in World War II.

In that astonishing meeting, souls were summoned and the sermons of the dead were followed by 

their voices that they knew one day in the life of the substance..

and all attendees attested to its safety and authenticity .. At the conclusion of the meeting, 

Lord Dong said the following: Sahar ... Rather, it is a success to bring together two worlds whose existence is certain ... 

the world of spirit and the world of matter)).

The evidence for the validity of what happened in that meeting did not depend on the voices, 

but rather extended it to photographing souls and taking their fingerprints! Which specialized in Dr. Myers, 

an English dentist, with a normal camera and under special light conditions, as well as George Linds Johnson, 

a member of the Royal English Photographic Society, who made a special camera to photograph souls.

Some may think that these experiments were carried out by unknown or pretentious people, 

but the facts prove that some distinguished scientists, including those who won the Nol Prize, 

paid attention to spiritual science and sometimes carried out experiments in this field, 

one of these distinguished scientists was Dr. Arthur Compton, 

President of the American Scientific Academy Prize-winning in corn research where he says: 

((I do not mean in my teacher to prove the truth of life after death. But every day I encounter 

rational powers that make me feel that I must bow to them out of respect. 

If I light a candle and then extinguish it immediately with a puff of my mouth, 

then I am not I have shown its light .. that you will not see this light with your naked eye, 

but the flame of this tiny candle will remain winged in space for a number of light years, countless .. 

If I cannot extinguish the light of a candle I lighted myself and then extinguish it, 

how ridiculous it would be to think that his character is a human being Because of that, 

it will cease to exist and be destroyed.

With the development of technology, the sciences and spiritual phenomena moved to television programs, 

and they became broadcast to the world as manifestations of the spiritual activities of the paranormal taking 

place in the day and in front of the television cameras .. 

As it happened recently in France TV by an intermediary who was able to move tableware from spoons, 

forks and knives .. 

And most of the world's televisions were published. Such accidents ..