Everyone seeks to have a positive energy that helps them face life's difficulties, 

with optimism, generosity, sympathy, and love, which gives them acceptance among people, 

spares them everyday problems, and makes their lives easier and better.

1- Thinking about the impact of the issue on us after years, 

and if it is not influential in the future, then there is no need to waste our time grieving it.

2- Looking for the bright side and simple positive returns.

3- Feeding the subconscious with positive words and sayings.

4- Using positive words in the hadith, even if it is in an exaggerated form.

5- Choose what makes you happy, even if it is different from what others desire.

6- Thinking before bed about the blessings that you possess, and you will sleep with a smile and wake up full of energy.

7- Take care to exchange hugs with family and friends, because it changes the psychological state.

8- Ensure to provide assistance to everyone because of its good psychological returns.

9- A constant smile, and exchanging it with everyone, improves the psyche.

10 - Greeting passers-by enhances the acceptance of a person in his society, and gives him positive energy.

11- We should not pay attention to anyone who complains.

12- Allocating a space to relax every day, making you more likely to live.

13- Quiet sessions at night, with candles and dim lighting, are enough to clear your mind.

14- You should not compare what you own with what others have, and focus on your life only.

15- Not relying on someone's help.

16- Constant laughter reduces the effects of stress and improves mood.

17- Practice deep breathing exercises, which enter fresh air into the body and brain, and flush out toxins from it.

18- Acting your dream, and creating discussions that you love in yourself, add to you joy and enthusiasm.

19- Walking and exercising to release negative energy.

20- Taking enough sleep every day, it relieves your nervousness and your feeling of sadness "scientifically".

21- Healthy eating leaves a good effect on the soul.

22- Eating chocolate helps improve mood "scientifically".

23- Rewarding oneself after every good deed is an effective action to restore energy and vitality.

24- Surrounding yourself with positive people adds positivity to your day.

25- Presenting positive expressions changes the lives of others for the better.