Mental health The definition of spiritual energy is closely related to mental health.
Which is often also known as "mental health."
It is often used to refer to depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder and schizophrenia.
But it refers more broadly to the extent of a person’s emotional, psychological and social safety in general.
Mental health affects many thoughts and actions of the individual.
As it determines how a person perceives the world and drives him to make improper decisions if a person is under stress and tension,
Also, mental health plays an important role in social relations, physical health and the level of productivity of the individual,
It also differs between individuals due to their genetic characteristics and personality, in addition to demographic factors such as:
Socioeconomic status, race, gender identity, and sexual orientation
Definition of spiritual energy The term "energy" or spiritual energy has long been used by writers and practitioners of alternative medicine with reference to the definition of spiritual energy. It is a variety of experiences and phenomena that cannot be measured but can be distinguished from the scientific form of energy, in addition to the alleged treatments for the use of unknown energies. It is among the most commonly used alternative medicines that are not based on any evidence
Scientific, the German biologist Hans Dreisch, when studying embryology and evolutionary biology, noticed a kind of energy that he believed controlled organic processes and called "Entelechy", however, such ideas are still unproven at the present time.
All living creatures are distinguished by their possession of spiritual energy, which appears at every stage of life in a different form according to need, and it does not remain as it is, as it fluctuates according to one's thinking and feeling, for example if you are happy during the day and then feel anger, then this Change will be reflected in your energy as well, and so you continue to change, as there are factors affecting human energy such as the collective energy of the workplace, religion and race
All of them flow in a dynamic and continuous movement, and there are several types of moving energies such as: individual energy, family energy, city energy, state energy and rural energy
The Seven Chakras The concept of the chakra goes back to ancient Hindu traditions just as beliefs differ between the Indian religions, as many Buddhist texts refer to five chakras, while Hindu sources present six or even seven, the seven chakras are the hidden focal points of the body that are used in a variety of
From ancient meditation practices, meaning “wheel” in English, and in Arabic “wheel”, the most common and most studied chakra system includes six main chakras to the seventh chakra chakra that is not generally considered to be chakra. These points are arranged vertically on the axis of the human body. Meditation aids: "Sahasrara", "Ajna", "Vishuddha", "Anahata", "Manipura", "Svadhishthana" and "Muladhara"
Now I am more confident about the term spiritual energy.